Monday, February 6, 2012

Jason Tate: Absolutepunk

Jason Tate is the founder of the music website Originating as a site that focused solely on the band blink-182, the site covers all kinds of music from indie-rock to hip hop.

I respect him a lot for creating an excellent music community. Through his site I had discovered some of my favorite bands (Say Anything, The Format, ect.). It has become a favorite website of mine that I seem to go on to multiple times a day.

I believe his blog (Jason Tate's blog) is so entertaining to me because we have similar musical tastes. As stated in a previous blog entry, he'd often gets advanced copies of albums and shares his thoughts on it on his blog. He recently advocated SOPA not passing by writing out against it and changing his websites original design to raise awareness.

Jason has a segment on his site called Thursday Discussion, which he uses as a forum to discuss music. Two recent entries that had an impact on me were The Best Drive-Thru Records Albums  and Favorite albums from 2001-2003 blog posts. The early 2000's was an exciting time for punk/pop rock bands, and both articles highlight this.

For more on Jason Tate, check his profile out on his site here.

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